Smartflex srl

Smartflex srl

 - Smartflex srl

SMARTFLEX  srl an italian  company specializing in state-of-the art technology in the plastic and paper converting domaine. Focused on customer satisfaction and problem solving SMARTFLEX srl operates as a virtual conveyor of needs and requirements of market players to secure a meeting point between  operators’ offer and demand.


 - Smartflex srl

Smartflex srl operates as meeting point between demand and offer  of new and  second hand equipment mainly in the following sectors:

  • flexografic CI and Stack type machines
  • Led UV modules new or retrofit
  • Solventless and solvent based laminators
  • Slitter rewinders
  • Plate mounters
  • Ancillary equipments
  • Dismantling , shipping and mounting of machinery with specialized technicians
  • 22/10/2024
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